Jesus answered, ‘I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.’ ~ John 14:6
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Trying the Spirits
The book of 3rd John is a letter from the aged apostle to his dear friend Gaius. The church in Gaius’s community was taken over by a man named Diotrephes who began to conduct himself and lead the church in a manner that did not align with the teaching of Jesus.

The Five Solas of the Reformation
Catholic monk named Martin Luther had posted on a church door a list of 95 reasons that men could not be forgiven their sins by paying money to the church. This was known as the 95 Theses. The document proved to be the flame that started Protestant Reformation. The Roman Catholic world, led by Pope Leo X and Holy Roman Emperor Charles V, attempted to silence Martin Luther. Their attempt failed, and the Christian world…
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Jesus: The Only Way
Knowing his death was near and knowing the confusion, fear, and despair his disciples would experience, Jesus took time to offer them words of comfort to sooth their soon-to-be deeply troubled hearts and minds.
William Branham Series

Who is the Elijah of Malachi 4:5-6?
Well, we have quite a topic today. One that, to most people in the world, they could care less about. It’s not a question that would even interest them. But to you and I, because of the background of where we come from, this is a very big topic, and a very big question. And in case some of my listeners this morning are unfamiliar with why this subject would matter to us, I and…
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Who is the seventh angel of Revelation 10:7?
Today, we are continuing with our second message in this series. I am calling this the William Branham series, and I am really appreciative of all the wonderful feedback I have received over the past week since I started this series. As we go on to the second part today, the title of the message is “Who is the seventh angel of Revelation 10:7?” And our scripture today will be Revelation 10:7. I invite you…
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What is the Shout of 1st Thessalonians 4?
Today, we are continuing what I am calling the William Branham series, and the topic today is “What is the shout of 1st Thessalonians 4.” Our passage today will be from the book of 1st Thessalonians, chapter 4. I will read from verse 13 to 18 as our text. I invite you to turn there with me as I read it:…
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Who is the Son of Man in Luke 17:30?
This will be our fourth episode in this series, and we are calling it the William Branham series. We are focusing on a few of the big questions that people have as they exit William Branham’s cult following, known as the message. And today, our topic is “Who is the Son of Man in Luke 17:30?” Our scripture reading is from the book of Luke, chapter 17. I invite you to turn there with me,…
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Who is Cain’s father?
Today the topic we are asking the question, “Who is Cain’s father?” We are talking about Cain, who was born in Genesis chapter 4. Cain was the man who grew into an adult and ended up murdering his brother Abel. He fathered a family of really wicked people. And we are asking the question, who is his father? To most Christians, that question is a no-brainer. For the average person, there is not really even…
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What the Parable of the Ten Virgins Is Not
Well, brothers and sisters, as I have said, the title of this message is “What the Parable of the Ten Virgins is not.” My emphasis today is on those last two words – What it is not. And chiefly, that is what we will be looking at today; we will be comparing what we have been told about this parable to see if it fits with the plain reading of scripture. And as we do…
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Things That Are Not A Sign of the End
This morning we are continuing on with this series of messages we have been on for a little while now. I believe this is the seventh message in our William Branham series. I expect we will have one more lesson after this, and that will wrap up this series. And today, our topic is “Things that are not a sign of the end.” Our emphasis today is again on the words, “are not.” This is…
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Who Is The Seventh Church Age Messenger?
Today, we are going into the final lesson of our William Branham series. This is the eighth message in this series. When I started, I was not sure just how far I would go, and I had debated whether or not I would touch this topic. But I had several different ones ask me to take on this topic, so I decided that I will do that as our final topic in this series. Our…
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