Transcript Praise the Lord! You can open your Bibles to Romans chapter 1. I don’t think this is going to be a really long message this morning, but I am going to pick up reading from where I left off in the last message I preached. I am going to start at verse 16, and […]
Author: Charles Paisley
Romans: I Am Not Ashamed
It is good to be here with again this morning, and I am so glad to see all the different ones out today. May God bless each one of you. Continue to remember my parents in prayer as they are traveling. And we greet all those who are listening online, God bless you all!
Romans: Declared To Be The Son of God
But lets keep him in prayer that God will continue to strengthen him. I received greetings again this week from the brothers in the other churches, and I pass those along to you all. And if any of the brothers are listening to this later on, we greet you in Jesus name.
Stewards of Grace
Scriptures 1 Peter 4:7-11 Introduction I have just a little message tonight. And the title of my message today is Stewards of Grace. I have been talking to brother Jesse earlier this week and mentioned that I was going to take this for my next subject. And I actually had a specific verse in mind […]
Sowing the Good Seed
Praise the Lord, it is good be here with you all again. I am so thankful the Lord has blessed us with this place for us to have services. I know its more convenient for all of us, and in a good proximity for everyone. I thank God for it. I have been talking to a lot of the brothers in the other churches over the past couple weeks, and they all send their greetings and love. They are really encouraged that we have been able to move our fellowship to this new space. I just want to thank you all too, for all your help in getting things together here.
Footprints of Jesus: Weep Not For Me
Introduction Praise the Lord. Its good to be back and see you all again. I bring greetings from the saints and ministers down at Living Word Tabernacle. We really had a wonderful time of fellowship with them last weekend. I believe they are walking on the same path we are, making a B line for the […]
The Second Coming of Jesus Christ
Few topics excite followers of Christ like the topic of his second coming. Throughout his ministry Jesus had told his disciples he was going to leave them and return again.
The promise of Christ’s return to earth is repeated many times in scripture. On the day Christ ascended to heaven, two angels appeared to the disciples and explained that Christ would return just the same way in which he left: through a cloud of glory in the sky. Jesus also described different signs that would precede his coming to his disciples.
Everyone loves a story of redemption: a story where the characters are swallowed up in events and circumstances that look hopeless; but then, almost miraculously, their direction is changed. Rags become riches, sorrow becomes joy, and their time of hardship and suffering is transformed into the phrase “and they lived happily ever after.” A story of redemption is a story with a happy ending.
The Law of Liberty
Writing a letter to the believers, the Apostle James spoke of a perfect law of liberty, a freedom we have been called to and given by Jesus Christ. Liberty, or freedom, is a topic frequently spoken of by Jesus and his apostles in the New Testament. When Jesus Christ died on the cross, the law of ordinances was also nailed to the cross with him. Jesus thus fulfilled the law of the Old Testament, setting us free from the requirement to keep it. When Jesus Christ died on the cross, the law of ordinances was also nailed to the cross with him. (Colossians 2:14) Jesus thus fulfilled the law of the Old Testament, setting us free from the requirement to keep it. (Romans 8:3-4, Galatians 3:24-25)
Trying the Spirits
The book of 3rd John is a letter from the aged apostle to his dear friend Gaius. The church in Gaius’s community was taken over by a man named Diotrephes who began to conduct himself and lead the church in a manner that did not align with the teaching of Jesus.