In each of our lives, God has placed gifts and talents. You, and everyone around you, is unique in their own way. Some are talented at administration, some are gifted teachers, some are endowed with the ability and the means to be generous, some are gifted at giving exhortation and encouragement, others are talented musicians or singers. Some are fountains of wisdom and knowledge. These are just a few of the ways God has given us each a unique capacity to serve those around us. In examining the gifts and talents given by God, it is important to first acknowledge where they came from. A gift is something given to us by someone else. And the one who has given us our gifts and talents is God. (James 1:17, Ephesian 4:8, 1 Cor 2:11)By realizing the that gifts we possesses are from God, we may ask the question, why has he given us these gifts? The bible explains to us that God has made us stewards of his gifts so we can use them for the benefit of his kingdom.