Category: Sermons

Who Is The Seventh Church Age Messenger?

Today, we are going into the final lesson of our William Branham series. This is the eighth message in this series. When I started, I was not sure just how far I would go, and I had debated whether or not I would touch this topic. But I had several different ones ask me to take on this topic, so I decided that I will do that as our final topic in this series.

Our title today is, Who Is The Seventh Church Age Messenger?

Things That Are Not A Sign of the End

This morning we are continuing on with this series of messages we have been on for a little while now. I believe this is the seventh message in our William Branham series. I expect we will have one more lesson after this, and that will wrap up this series.

And today, our topic is “Things that are not a sign of the end.” Our emphasis today is again on the words, “are not.” This is not a doomsday sermon; this is an anti-doomsday sermon.