
The following is a list of online resources the editor of this website found helpful.

SearchingForVindication.comThe creators of Searching For Vindication were message believers who could not believe William Branham could have misled us. They set out on a year long quest to search the archives for evidence backing up William Branham’s stories.
William Branham Historical Research PodcastThis series is a well documented in-depth chronological examination of the ministry of William Branham.
William-Branham.orgA website that has collected thousands of historical documents related to William Branham. This is an excellent resource for accessing independent third party accounts of William Branham and his ministry.
BelieveTheSign.orgPreviously one of the premier Message websites on the internet, the editors of Believe the Sign discovered some troubling issues and have published their evidence and conclusions.
The Jury Trial seriesBro. Tim Tumes, pastor of George Smith and Rebecca Branham Smith (William Branham’s daughter and son-in-law) relates his discoveries about William Branham.
beEmboldenedCreated by a former message believer, beEmbolded is a dedicated to helping people understand, overcome, heal, and continue their walk with Christ after harmful religious experiences.
Off The Shelf podcastInterviews with former followers of the Message of William Branham.
Free and Clear podcastA podcast by former Message followers dedicated to religious abuse and recovery topics.
Road to Sunset Documentary SeriesA detailed three part documentary on the events surrounding the cloud and the revelation of the seals in 1963.
C.R. WottrichA video podcast by a former Message follower who shares her experiences and discoveries after leaving the message.
Let’s Keep It Real!Audio podcast for people leaving the message from Bro. Jordan, a former message minister in Indiana.
Berean HolinessBerean Holiness is a group that helps believers leave behind fear and shame and find the gospel of grace.
Morning MercyA podcast series from James Rozak, a former message pastor supporting people leaving the message.
Prove the ClaimsA website dedicated to examining evidence supporting the claims of William Branham.
William Branham EuropeArticles on the ministry of William Branham maintained by former message followers in Europe.
William Branham BrazilCommunity channel of the former Message community from Brazil.
William Branham and his MessageThe very first website that critically examined William Branham and his teachings. Editor John Kennah discovered some of the key pieces of evidence undermining The Message in the 1980s.
Searching For TruthA series of videos comparing some of William Branham’s teachings to Clarence Larkin, showing where those elements were copied from.
Faith and SocietyPodcast focused on thinking, reasoning, and faith from Bro. Robert, former Message minister in Norway.
Commanded to be CourageousA helpful blog by a former Message minister in Jeffersonville.

Recommended Reading

The Legend of the FallIn the 1970s, author Peter Duyzer became the earliest follower of the message to discover William Branham’s 1963 experience on sunset mountain was a hoax. He dedicated his entire to life sharing the facts and evidence he discovered and helping other escape the message and find hope in Christ.
Come of Her My People: A History of The MessageThe two volume history of The Message from 1930-2005.
Investigating William Branham: The Unfolding Story of Plagiarisms and ErrorsAuthor Bryan Smalls provides compelling evidence that William Branham copied from others many of the doctrines he told his followers had been revealed to him through supernatural experiences.
Under the Halo: Examining the legacy of William BranhamA book authored by Rod Bergen and others examining the the most serious issues with the teachings and ministry of William Branham.