Tag: Colossians Series
By Him All Things Were Created – Colossians 1:15-20
The Kingdom of His Beloved Son – Colossians 1:12-14
Fully Pleasing to God – Colossians 1:6-11
Transcript It’s time to start our service, and I am so glad to have you here with us. I had an opportunity over the past week to speak to some of our friends in Germany and Switzerland, and they asked me to send along their loves and greetings to everyone. I am also continuing to […]
Introduction to Colossians – Colossians 1:1-5
Transcript It’s time to start our service today. I am so glad to have each one of you here with us. I send you all of my love and greetings. We have been out the past couple of weeks. I have had some other engagements I had to see to over that time. We were […]