Jesus concluded the sermon on the mount with a powerful illustration. He told his audience that if they would take his words and put them into practice, it would be like building their house upon a rock: a solid foundation on which their lives could securely stand. He also issued a stark warning: ignoring his words would bring disaster, ruin, and collapse. In his short illustration, Jesus established the importance of God’s word and its authority.
Author: Charles Paisley
The Sufficiency of Christ
Only hours before being arrested, Jesus spoke heartfelt words to his disciples. Knowing his death was near and knowing the confusion, fear, and despair his disciples would experience, Jesus took time to offer them words of comfort…
Jesus: The Only Way
Knowing his death was near and knowing the confusion, fear, and despair his disciples would experience, Jesus took time to offer them words of comfort to sooth their soon-to-be deeply troubled hearts and minds.
William Branham and the Mystery Cloud
Fundamental to The Message of William Branham is the belief that Jesus Christ descended from heaven in 1963, and returned to the church in some form. The form in which he returned varies between different sects of his followers, but the fact that he returned in 1963 is a universal belief. That belief is intimately connected to the cloud pictured in this article.
The Preeminence of Christ
The bible tells us many things about Jesus.
In Hebrews, he is called the author and the finisher of our faith, (Hebrew 12:2) letting us know our faith both begins and ends with Jesus Christ.
Footprints of Jesus: The Betrayal of Christ
Introduction It is so good to be here with you and see each one. I sure enjoyed the weekend meetings. It was good to see all the different ones who came. It’s always a treat for us too when we can have some other brothers minister to us. I want to thank all of you again for […]