Category: Series

What should we do with the ministry of the Apostle Raymond Jackson?

I feel a need to pause here and speak about a few things that are related. This is not part of the series on Ephesians. But our need to talk about this comes from passing through those verses. And, I think today I am going to tackle what you already have seen is the title of the lesson: What should we do with the ministry of the Apostle Raymond Jackson? And that is a question I hope to answer before we finish today. I have one opening verse of scripture I would like to read here before we begin. It is from Matthew chapter 10, and you are welcome to open your bibles and read it with me if you like.

Raymond Jackson & Israel’s Miracle War

t’s good to be with you this evening, and I thank you for joining us.

God sure is good. I am really joyful over the wonderful move of God here these past weeks. And for all our friends who have recently left the message, God bless you all. Blessed are you when they revile you and persecute you for the sake of Christ, for great is your reward in heaven.

William Branham may have been a fake prophet, but Jesus is a real savior, and everything you have need of is wrapped up in Him. Let not your heart be troubled.

Cruel preachers, possessed of a Pharisee spirit, may treat you like the Pharisees treated Jesus, but you are in good company.

Who Is The Seventh Church Age Messenger?

Today, we are going into the final lesson of our William Branham series. This is the eighth message in this series. When I started, I was not sure just how far I would go, and I had debated whether or not I would touch this topic. But I had several different ones ask me to take on this topic, so I decided that I will do that as our final topic in this series.

Our title today is, Who Is The Seventh Church Age Messenger?

Things That Are Not A Sign of the End

This morning we are continuing on with this series of messages we have been on for a little while now. I believe this is the seventh message in our William Branham series. I expect we will have one more lesson after this, and that will wrap up this series.

And today, our topic is “Things that are not a sign of the end.” Our emphasis today is again on the words, “are not.” This is not a doomsday sermon; this is an anti-doomsday sermon.