The Gospel Church

Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. ~ John 14:6


Romans: Delivered From The Law Greetings everyone, it’s good to be here with you all this evening. I am thankful for the opportunity. I appreciate all of you, and thank God for you. I also greet all our friends listening online. I had quite a few different ones reach out again over the past week, and God is really……

Romans: Your Fruit Unto Holiness Romans 6King James Version 15 What then? Shall we sin, because we are not under the law, but under grace? God forbid. 16 Know ye not, that to whom ye yield yourselves servants to obey, his servants ye are to whom ye obey; whether of sin unto death, or of obedience unto righteousness? 17……

Romans: True Unity Praise the Lord, it’s good to be here tonight. Let’s look to the Lord in prayer before we open up the scripture. Heavenly Father, Lord, we come before your throne. As we enter into this service, we ask that you help us to find inspiration in your scripture and that our souls may be……

Shall We Sin That Grace May Abound? Praise the Lord, it’s good to be here. Let’s keep the ones who are not feeling well today in prayer. Let us pray. Today, we are going to Romans chapter 6. You can turn there with me. I might also read the last couple of verses of chapter 5 too. Before we start reading……

Romans: As In Adam, So In Christ Well, praise the Lord, I am glad to have an opportunity this evening to share this message. We are having just an online-only service here this evening, but Lord willing, we will be back together for in-person service next Sunday evening again. It has really been a beautiful weekend. I was so surprised yesterday……

Romans: Paul’s Assurance It’s good to be here this morning. I am thankful for another opportunity. God is so good to us. Let me greet everyone here this morning, and all our friends who are listening in, here and around the world. If you would, turn with me to Romans chapter 5, and I am going to……

Romans: Peace With God It’s good to be here this morning. I am thankful for another opportunity. God is so good to us. Let me greet everyone here this morning, and all our friends who are listening in, here and around the world. If you would, turn with me to Romans chapter 5, and I am going to……

Romans: Redemption Amen. It’s good to be here tonight. We’re broadcasting now, and so we’re going to turn to the word. It is good to be back here again this evening. I’m glad to see the ones who are here with us. Praise the Lord. Let’s just continue to pray for our brothers and sisters who……

Romans: Propitiation It’s good to be here with you all this morning. I am thankful for another opportunity to be together. I am praying my voice holds up; I have been battling a bit of a frog in my throat since last week, so you just pray for me. I also want to greet all our……

Romans: By Grace Greetings Greetings to everyone in Jesus’ name. I am so thankful to see each of you here this evening, and I also greet all of our listeners online. We are praying for you all, and we are thankful for each one of you. Turn with me to Romans chapter 3, and I will read……

Romans: Justification Praise the Lord, it is wonderful to be here with everyone. It sure was nice to have some time to fellowship today with Brother Kolp and his wife. I enjoyed the thought of his message this morning. I believe he painted a very good picture that we can all learn from. There are many……

Romans: No Not One God bless each of you, it is good to be here with you this morning. It’s good to see all your faces. I greet all the ones here this morning, and all of our friends listening online. I had some opportunities to speak this week with some of the brothers overseas, and they send……

Romans: Why Not Do Evil That Good May Come? Scripture: Romans 3:1-9 Let me begin by welcoming everyone again. I am so thankful for each of you. I also always want to welcome all of our listeners online this evening, especially our friends at Faith Assembly and all around the world. I know we are praying especially for our friends across Canada and……

Romans: The Hypocrisy of the Legalist God bless you all. It’s so good to see everyone out again this morning. I greet all those listeners online. I am so thankful for all the Lord has done for us. It’s nice to have a long weekend with some extra time off work to rest this weekend, and I hope everyone is……

Romans: The Nature of Sin Introduction Praise the Lord, it’s good to be back again tonight. I have just a small short thought tonight. It has been on my mind for quite a while to speak on this topic, and I think right here might be a good spot to insert it. I hope it will help our understanding……

Romans: The Conscience Bears Witness Welcome Praise the Lord! I’m glad to be with you all again this evening. I am so thankful for all that the Lord has done for us and for the opportunity to help those seeking support. Over the past week, more people have reached out, wondering how to handle the truths they’re discovering. My……

Romans: They Are Without Excuse Transcript Praise the Lord! You can open your Bibles to Romans chapter 1. I don’t think this is going to be a really long message this morning, but I am going to pick up reading from where I left off in the last message I preached. I am going to start at verse 16,……

Romans: I Am Not Ashamed

It is good to be here with again this morning, and I am so glad to see all the different ones out today. May God bless each one of you. Continue to remember my parents in prayer as they are traveling. And we greet all those who are listening online, God bless you all! …

Romans: Declared To Be The Son of God

But lets keep him in prayer that God will continue to strengthen him. I received greetings again this week from the brothers in the other churches, and I pass those along to you all.  And if any of the brothers are listening to this later on, we greet you in Jesus name….

Stewards of Grace Scriptures  1 Peter 4:7-11  Introduction  I have just a little message tonight. And the title of my message today is Stewards of Grace. I have been talking to brother Jesse earlier this week and mentioned that I was going to take this for my next subject. And I actually had a specific verse in……

Sowing the Good Seed

Praise the Lord, it is good be here with you all again. I am so thankful the Lord has blessed us with this place for us to have services. I know its more convenient for all of us, and in a good proximity for everyone. I thank God for it. I have been talking to a lot…

Footprints of Jesus: Weep Not For Me

Introduction Praise the Lord. Its good to be back and see you all again. I bring greetings from the saints and ministers down at Living Word Tabernacle. We really had a wonderful time of fellowship with them last weekend. I believe they are walking on the same path we are, making a B line for the……

Footprints of Jesus: I Am Not Alone

Introduction And as we look at Jesus again tonight, I am picking up from my last message. The footprints of Jesus.  And in our last message we started looking at the trial of Jesus, and focusing on the men who murdered Jesus. Looking at their character. Their methods, and their tactics But tonight I want to……

Footprints of Jesus: Trial of Christ

at the character of Judas, and the events leading up to his betrayal. Then last time we looked at the garden of Gethsemane, and just what Jesus experienced there.  The great agonizing turmoil of emotions he endured. And we are going to pick tonight and look at his trial….

Footprints of Jesus: Gethsemane

Prayer  Heavenly father, I thank you for all your wonderful goodness  I thank you that you have provided this place to gather  I thank you for all who have come to hear, and all those listening online  I thank you Lord for my many brothers and sisters who love you, and love your word above……

Footprints of Jesus: The Betrayal of Christ

Introduction  It is so good to be here with you and see each one. I sure enjoyed the weekend meetings. It was good to see all the different ones who came. It’s always a treat for us too when we can have some other brothers minister to us. I want to thank all of you again for……