Tag: William Branham

Where was William Branham on February 28, 1963?

William Branham told his followers that he had a mystical experience where he was met by seven angels who instructed him to return to Jeffersonville, Indiana where he would receive the revelation of the seven seals. He told his audiences that as the angels left him, they ascended into heaven and formed a cloud that was photographed and published in Life magazine and other publications in the United States. These events occurred on February 28, 1963.

William Branham and the Mystery Cloud

Fundamental to The Message of William Branham is the belief that Jesus Christ descended from heaven in 1963, and returned to the church in some form. The form in which he returned varies between different sects of his followers, but the fact that he returned in 1963 is a universal belief. That belief is intimately connected to the cloud pictured in this article.